Rhode Island, the Ocean State, is world-renowned for its natural beauty.
Our beaches, parks, and outdoor spaces are part of what makes our state so beautiful and special, especially when they are litter free. Let's keep it that way!
That’s why First Lady Susan McKee and Governor Dan McKee have launched a statewide anti-litter campaign. We will encourage Rhode Islanders and visitors to help clean up our outdoor spaces, and protect our unique natural heritage.
Please take the time to review the wide range of resources, events, and opportunities throughout this site to discover how you can help Keep Rhody Litter Free!
Earth Day Highlights
Trashboard is now Live!
Provided by the Rhode Island Department of Transportation, this dashboard provides data on a wide range of Litter Free RI initiatives including the total weight of trash that has been picked up, how many bags have been filled, and locations of reported cleanups.
Visit the Trashboard
Governor McKee's 2024 State of the State Address
"And speaking of taking pride in our beautiful state, on behalf of First Lady Sue McKee who is here tonight – I want to encourage all Rhode Islanders to take our Litter Free Rhode Island pledge to keep our state clean. The budget I will submit to the General Assembly will include additional resources to make that happen. Visit LitterFree.RI.Gov to take the pledge."
Governor Daniel J. McKee. 2024 State of the State Address (January 16, 2024)
Litter Free RI Receives National Recognition
Keep America Beautiful awarded Rhode Island's affiliate Keep Blackstone Valley Beautiful a 2022 Innovation Award at their National Conference in Washington DC.
KBVB was awarded in the Local Partnership subcategory for the amazing partnership, support, and collaboration with designing the first state landing spot for information on litter. Rhode Island's goal is to end litter in all 39 communities and show how municipalities, community groups, schools, state agencies, businesses and individuals are working all together to accomplish this objective.