Business Partners

Our businesses assist in our fight against litter. These businesses are taking a lead by adopting-a- highway through the RI DOT program.
Local businesses making a difference
RIDOT Adopt-a-Highway Participants
RIDOT Adopt-a-Roadway Participants
RIDOT Adopt-a-Spot Participants
Ending litter is important to us because …
Digger's Landscape & Digger's Sandbox - Cumberland
As a construction business nothing is worse to see on an ongoing site and on a finished project than litter blowing through the work efforts of our employees. Unattractive to the neighbors, or the developers that hire our services.
Tiverton Public Library
We frequently use our outdoor spaces and want to keep the library property looking beautiful and safe. Recycling also allows us to keep renewable materials out of our landfills.
15 Minute Field Trips
We want our planet to be a healthy place for animals, plants and humans. When everyone pitches in, we can make a dramatic difference.
Barrington Land Conservation Trust
We want our planet to be a healthy place for animals, plants and humans. When everyone pitches in, we can make a dramatic difference.
Wanskuck Library - Providence
Having a clean community can only happen if residents have enough pride to be responsible with their trash/litter. It's important to establish the fundamental belief that every person can make a difference for the positive - it costs nothing to keep hold of a napkin or water bottle until it can be disposed of properly vs the cost of property values going down in a dirty, unkempt neighborhood.
Cranston Historical Society
The Governor Sprague Mansion is a museum located on the W3R Washington Rochambeau Hwy. in Cranston, RI -- owned and managed by the Cranston Historical Society and assisted in its care by volunteers. CHS is working on the possibility of making the Mansion a national landmark, since the W3R is also a national landmark. The Sprague Mansion is one of the most important historic sites in the City of Cranston and the State of Rhode Island. We developed a grounds beautification program and work with community, school programs, police/fire dept. and other individuals who need to complete community service hours. We need new equipment and materials for volunteers to perform their service and equipment repair. All of the criteria listed below that is checked below, is an important aspect of CHS grounds beautification program we perform all year round.
NC3- Rumford
Litter endangers our environment, our wildlife, and our economy.
My Motorcycle Adventure LLC – West Greenwich
Public safety, environmental sustainability, aesthetic appeal of our Rhody.
Safe Clean LLC - Smithfield
We believe in keeping Rhode Island clean and doing what we can to preserve our earth and nature
Housing Authority of the City of Pawtucket
Our young families and individuals need to respect our environment as to secure their future for urban communities to thrive without litter, becoming a safer and beautified community to which is their home.
The Watch Hill Conservancy - Westerly
Litter impacts all of our lives, ruining scenic views, contaminating waterways, harming wildlife, and impacting the health of our communities.
Butt It Matters - Wakefield
It’s harmful to us all including our wild & marine life our ecosystem/environment. It contaminates our soil waterways and the ocean. It’s very unsightly If litter isn’t picked up on a timely manner it creates more litter.
Narrow River Land Trust
The Narrow River Land Trust is a steward of properties in the Narrow River Watershed that travels through three towns: North Kingstown, South Kingstown, and Narragansett. We own or have easements on nearly 700 acres of land in the watershed. It is our honor and responsibility to ensure these lands are litter free to protect the river.
Litter-Free Rhody Resources
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