State Partners

Ending litter is important throughout the Ocean State. The following agencies have implemented programs that support this endeavor and continue to work towards building a Litter Free Rhode Island.

RIDOT has three programs open to all Rhode Islanders that will keep litter off our roadways. We have tried to do it all by ourselves, but we can’t even though we spend $800,000 a year on garbage pickup. With our programs, you can adopt your own piece of road, and make it beautiful for everyone.
Please visit the RIDOT State Partner page to learn more about a wide range of initiatives to help keep Rhody Litter Free.
RIDOT Clean Rhodes Program
The State of Rhode Island offers a dazzling diversity of experiences with 8,200 acres of parkland, 1,000 campsites, 400 miles of hiking and biking trails, 200 fishing spots, 25 parks, management areas, and nature preserves, and eight saltwater beaches.
As part of an effort to invest in and celebrate the state park system, the Department of Environmental Management (DEM) is working to improve trash and recycling services at state beaches and reduce litter in parks, beaches, and parking areas.
Please visit the DEM State Partner page to learn more about a wide range of initiatives to help keep Rhody Litter Free.
DEM Litter-Free Initiatives
The Rhode Island Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is committed to protecting the environment – and that means doing what it can to Keep Rhody Litter Free.
From "Drive Clean, Drive Green" to "Drive the Digital Route to a Litter-Free Future!", please visit the DMV State Partner page to learn more about our wide range of initiatives to help keep Rhody Litter Free.

The Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation operates the state’s central waste facilities, most notably the Central Landfill and Materials Recycling Facility. Our mission is to provide safe, environmentally compliant, clean and affordable disposal services to the Rhode Island community.
Resource Recovery offers a variety of free educational programs on proper waste disposal, municipal grant funding for special projects and tip fee waivers for litter clean-ups. To learn more about how we help keep Rhody Litter Free, please visit the Resource Recovery State Partner page.
RIRRC Litter Free Initiatives